Giant’s Head, 2067, 16mm film transferred to HD video, b/w, sound, 5’22”


As far upriver as you can go before having to switch to a pole, 16mm anamorphic projection, b/w, sound, 7’35”


Tidal Pool, 16mm film transferred to HD video, colour, sound, 4’24”


A Dark Shape on the Horizon, Super 16mm film transferred to HD video, colour, sound, 16’09”


Installation media


As far upriver as you can go before having to switch to a pole, installation film, Super 16mm film transferred to HD video, colour and b/w, silent, 11’38”


As far upriver as you can go before having to switch to a pole, installation film, 16mm film transferred to HD video, colour and b/w, silent, 10’02”


Rolling Thunder, installation film with asynchronous soundtrack (SoundCloud embed below), HD video, colour, silent, 18’30”